Having some routine surgery tomorrow but if I die please know I loved you a...
Everyone should have at least 3 hobbies.
1. Physical hobby: something to k...
The Bitcoin mempool is near empty and we're chilling near ATH? Where are al...
I call this a win for Bitcoin. Why?
Because Bitcoin empower the individual
Any retailer or individual could refuse to use a legal tender. Nobody ca
... A gigantic upgrade that is now merged: Blind authentication for Cashu mints
The most common concern we hear is: "We would like to run a mint but onl
We designed a two-tier auth protocol that fits the needs of a Chaumian E
Step 2: Now that the user has an account, we allow the authenticated user
By doing so, users prove to the mint that they have an account β but they
Blind authentication is a cryptographic primitive that has been used in
We're going to see more mints being used for internal uses that aren't m
... if life feels hard you're probably doing ok
Regulations do nothing but destroy markets, destroy products, and turn the
... Hi folks we've been experiencing some disruptions over the past couple days
coinos.io/logout or clear your browser cache. If you have Coinos installed as a PWA you may