When all your money is in cold storage, no leverage, no debt, no custodians
... I use KeepassXC and another one. I use it on my phone and I hash and encryp...
Don't give tablets to your kids. Give them a good PC. On a desk. With keybo...
Good Morning Relay Riders! 🏄♂️
people forget that people spending their bitcoin in the early days is how b...
Why does this always happen
The camera finally arrived!!! I'm a happy man!!
Thanks You so much
#nostr commun
... The first week off alchohol after drinking regularly for years is enlighten...
during lunch today,
Greasy Cobra and i were discussing prices and inflation (as one doe
(and also thanks Walmart order history!)
... I haven't gone on real vacation since I started Peony Lane 5 years ago. Buy
... You guys are incredible 🩷
In 24 hours we raised 20% of our goal at ~$150
... Consider yourself truly fortunate if you still receive calls from your pare
... Major Histocompatibility Complex in Humans: The Implications
Native Americ
That small breeding population is the reason Native Americans were not e
... The mrs is away so i packed his lunch today. How did i do
Is there any place but nostr where you can enjoy a wild fucking ride of a r...