Democracy isn't the problem. The failure of the people to make educated and informed choices based on their own best interests has led to a body of representatives who consistently fail to deliver for the people. And rather than recognize their bad choices and commit to better choices, people get wrapped up in the bullshit identity politics, the us vs them, partisan nonsense those failed representatives push when they've got no successes to run on. People fall into the pro-sports paradigm because it's easier to mindlessly cheer for your team than to actually think about each candidate and make a decision based on an informed examination of each choice. So, we just get more of the same, and the accompanying consequences, and end up blaming everyone and everything except those who are really to blame.
I used to think that. So I joined a political party to watch how the sausage gets made. And no, Representative "Democracy" actually IS the problem. Many problems, in fact, starting with "Principal-Agent" and "Coordination" and continuing all the way down. The People, themselves, are the only safe hands for holding power. "Representatives" are just a game-show version of dictatorship.