서울시, 북한이탈주민 마을버스 기사 취업 지원
▲ 서울시청서울시는 북한이탈주민을 대상으로 마을버스 운전자 취업 지원을 한다고 오늘 밝혔습니다.취업에 어려움을 겪는 탈북민과 인력난에…
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The yoga class I was supposed to go to starts in 20 minutes…I’m going to in
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you, an urban sophisticate - buying $8 coffee every day on your way to work
"We are going to effectively mobilize priva
consistently great site. i learn a lot from it
Five years ago most of America was sent home on COVID hysteria ...
Thank G
The “American dream” is a fiat debt trap:
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i do not get paid for opensats but it is a great excuse for a weekly call w
Serendipitous story:
A couple weeks ago a guy named Tony slipped and brokeMicael Holistic Hybrid 🌞 Jon Chenot and I to lug him up the hill. No breaks.
We successfully got him to
I see mining profits going to waste at Texas Tech 😳
Exactly 4 years ago today, I sat in a company-wide meeting with a "crypto e
block is the first company in the US to deploy NVIDIA’s most advanced AI
GM friends 💚
the ipad pro has replaced my laptop. trick: don’t use the apps. web only.
I'm thinking about posting all my videos on Nostr instead of just YouTube &
If I can’t be honest with you then I can’t respect you.
RECALL 🚨 ‼️ LEICKE ADAPTERS for bitaxe gamma. Over the past 1+ year we hav