I’m mostly a lurker. Read a lot… follow few… rarely post.
I’ve been aware of
Prickly Gull for a while now. His modus operandi remains consistent.
He’s always on the search… looking for the next target in his crusade to feel righteous. And that requires a villain, even if he has to make one up.
He does a tiny bit of research, then stops when he has •just enough• incomplete and out-of-context info to satisfy his confirmation bias.
Then he makes accusations with the confidence of the righteously outraged… about topics he doesn’t understand anywhere near as well as he thinks he does.
THEN he attacks anyone who disagrees with his methods or assertions. (He’ll be calling me a bot soon… that’s always a good one.)
Used to be, we only had to deal with entitled assholes like him in real life. It was simpler.
Nowadays, such jerkwads get positive reinforcement from other similar pisspots in the online echo chamber, so become even more certain they’re the hero.
Bullies have always attracted toadies. Now they do it on Nostr.
Technology… phooey. Nothing ever changes. Assholes remain among us, and remain admired by the weak.