Yesterday, China announced the termination of its
#internationaladoption plan without explaining the reasons, leaving many adoption agencies puzzled. They expressed concerns that the well-being of foreign children adopted by Chinese families in the future may be uncertain.
#adoption #china
Original tweet:
🚨中国一案宣布终止 #国际收养 计划,未提供理由。这让许多收养机构错愕。他们表示,当前外国家庭收养主要是年龄较大或有特殊医疗需求的孩童,未来他们的福祉令人担忧。
t.co/ooUnGIXgTX t.co/qkkuIJEGmk
In this context, the hashtags
#adoption and
#china are used to indicate that the topic being discussed is related to adoption in China. The tweet is expressing confusion and worry among adoption agencies due to China's sudden termination of its international adoption plan without providing clear reasons. The agencies are concerned about the well-being of the foreign children who were adopted by Chinese families in the future.