Thought I would use Elon’s own AI to check something I’ve often wondered ab
... name a better duo than salmon and avocado
The best color pallets come from nature
Watching my lefty friends not wanting to pay federal taxes because gov now
... I just zapped myself 21 ecash sats inside this 1-sat zap using this emoji �
... Life just kinda of gets progressively more difficult—dealing with death and
... gm cypherpunks, let's code faster
GM Nostr
Enjoy your productive day🦾
The fact that there is anything at all to be withheld in the Epstein files
... We're really gonna make this whole mission happen. Freedom money 💪
I got
... GM! ☕ I got 99 problems, but inflation ain’t one! 😎
I need to clean my fucking desk
GM nostr ☀️
The only person that can truly make you happy in the long term
... GM Dark Nostr
There is a new law of anthropology - The Shoebox Syndrome: