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Nostr achieved so much in so little time. Ya'll are too close to the metal.
Braiins has officially open-sourced their control board, making the Github

You know what doesn't suck? Getting a full night's sleep and touching grass
"Choose your own algorithm" will NEVER work on Nostr the way it works on Bl
OPSEC hat. White or orange?

“You can't look at the competition and say you're going to do it better. Yo
If you dont want kids, there is something biologically wrong with you. All

Good morning, #nostriches!
I've decided on a few very bold (for me) changes in my fi

Not pissed off, just disgusted by certain peoples' consiste#glovesoff #myfriendsareimportant #gm #goodmorning #plebchain #grownostr #partybussiness #lotr #nomoremisternicebeaver
If more and more companies are adopting a bitcoin strategy why would i hold