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Testing multiple playbacks with picture in picture. It's blazing fast. Even
4 different solo miners using OCEAN also found blocks this week: - 888094 f
How the mind works
Will be at MIT 👀 first time i’ve been

I’m a lucky guy. Life is pretty fucking great 🙏🏻
DOGE posts be like

Cameras just can’t capture the magnificent size of this morning’s sunrise.

The crypto bros are absolute nihilistic callow parasites who drag us all do
GM! Looks like this the first block mined by a self-hosted PublicPool on an

Congrats to the solo miner who solved block 888989
This is the way!

You can just quit drinking
stay humble and stack sats relentlessly, forever
Women are attracted to men they find intimidating. Crazy women are attracte
Treating a dog like a human baby is a sign of a culture in steep decay.
The NerdQAxe++ is here to change open-source bitcoin home mining.
Controlling your own key on Bitcoin comes with significant costs, from the
all this talking about car crashes had me produce one of my own ffs
My vision of reality is uncomfortable for many, I do not know if I have the