A story on parenting.
monday, my toddler puked like ten times in 12 hours, then was fine.
Last night we went to a little get together, kids had pizza and played. went home. my wife went to bet at ten and i stayed up for another hour, just cleaned up a bit. was doing dishes and heard a kid coughing and decided to go check.
5 seconds too late and my boy puked all over his floor, then in the hall on the way to the bathroom. set him up to sleep in my bathroom on a spare toddler bed next to a bucket.
Went and cleaned it up as much as I could.
Then my oldest girl came out saying her tummy felt heavy.
set her up in a camping cot next to brother in the bathroom with her bucket.
all this time my wife is crying, 36 weeks pregnant, she's at her wits end you could say.
I also just had an orthopedic surgery 2 weeks ago so I haven’t been super helpful lately, but getting better.
We lay down to go to sleep and get up ten minutes later after my oldest spews.
I slept the rest of the night but my wife got up with her 2x more between 1 and 5am.
She's back in bed now sleeping, kids are watching movies. Toddler threw a huge fit this morning but got her off to preschool.
Also, my wife’s birthday is this week and now we are trying to sell tickets to a show we had tonight since we don't want babysitters to watch sick kids and get sick.
Also one of my kids has moloscum and another has impetigo on their eyebrow/eyelid.
Things I’ve never heard of before.
So anyway, things are crazy.
Pray for us if you believe in that.