Excellent points, Jeffrey. I would add that there are also a great many other factors which do or can come into play thus shaping a person into who they are or become: such as natural proclivity, how much brain power/thinking ability they were born with, having a confidante(s) or an ally, and/or a wise person(s) at some point in their life (perhaps before, during, or after the abuse), the type and degree of the abuse, the degree of poverty, degree of neglect, etc. Even the amount of toxic environmental poison and/or exposure to Rockefeller poison medicine (such as these autism/mental retardation causing injections) and/or the amount of healthy food, etc… and so much more… Thus even though some are able to channel it into something positive, we shouldn’t judge because much like the level of wealth someone achieves - it all depends on a great number of factors. Ofc, being born into wealth (oops, I mean a nurturing, a safe & healthy environment) is going to be by far the most significant factor. Wow, just imagine how much influence & power & how much purchased prestige we would have if we were born to say… parents that owned NYC skyscrapers & apartment complexes or a Diamond mine. Vs say… being born in a ghetto….