Bitcoin don’t GAF about the state.
The interesting thing here is that the state now needs Bitcoin.
It’s a semaphore, a harbinger.
Bitcoin Standard is happening in real time.
>”Bitcoin don’t GAF about the state.”
Bitcoiners do though.
Bitcoiners are the network which gives Bitcoin value.
Without them, it’s no different to any other crypto shitcoin.
You lose them, you lose the decentralisation, you lose the security, you lose the value, you’re back to a new version of gold.
The state doesnt need Bitcoin - it needs anything to get itself out from under the mess the state created and Bitcoin just happens to be the easiest and best thing to cling on to.
Bitcoiners don’t need the State - the State needs Bitcoiners to save them from their own shitshow.
We should aspire to more than bailing out the State.