So I had a unique opportunity today. A 12 year old boy from church wanted m
Empty Aardvark put in to words that really made it stick in my criminally stupid brain: n I gave a copy of Saif’s Bitcoin Standard to his folks. I set him up with
Icy Boa and helped him back it up, both analog and digitally.
This young fella t
... Good morning, Nostr. Please pray for my baby girl, who's been in the NICU f
... You'll know that you've got nutrition figured out when 87.5% of the food in...
So here is the result of a week of trying to restore my X account Any sugg
... how many people would like to use damus iOS as an nsecbunker signer for web...
The distinctive azure blue color of Moraine Lake in Alberta, Canada, is cau
... I have an unhealthy obsession with keeping every usb cable i come in contac...
“Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this woul...