What Bitcoin critics say and how to respond to it: "Speculative" ➡️ Adopting Bitcoin is not based on a GUESS, it is based on public information "Volatile" ➡️ This means it is traded! Volatility is Vitality. Also: 1 BITCOIN = Always 1 BITCOIN "Intrinsic Value" ➡️ Nothing has intrinsic value. Value is subjective. Bitcoin's value? It is the world's only verifiable economic constant and therefore the best measurement of ALL VALUE IN THE WORLD "Greater fool asset" ➡️ Based on the belief Bitcoin is worth 0 and it is stupid people pay for it (so it is overpriced). If you think it is overpriced, short it and show the receipts? "Pyramid scheme" ➡️ Bitcoin's Long Term Holder supply is constantly growing, so OLD investors are not selling to NEW investors constantly. "Ponzi scheme" ➡️ This requires some sort of organizer, which is absent in Bitcoin. There is also nobody that promises any returns. "Tulip bubble" ➡️ (2013 called!) A Tulip bubble pops ONCE and then dies. Bitcoin has "died" 415 times according to the experts on TV. Anything else?