When I was a kid, an older relative had this big rubber band ball, about th
There is no way to force a flower to open without destroying it.
Most aspe
HOT TAKE: Daylight savings time is just a government psyop to prove that th
It's time to break out this massive pepper grinder.
hopefully elon fires the people in charge of daylight savings time
The story of the hastag creation, also in 60 seconds:
A 15 second trail
And a 30 second t
And i’m supposed
True value of Bitcoin is not about stockpiling numbers on the screen, but e
What is the best long form criticism or caution regarding the strategic bit
The only Executive Order we really needed was abolition of Daylight Savings
pretty sure we are going to call all bitcoin transactions zaps
on chain
I don't have a good feed; I am missing replies;
I see terrible things;
I hereby declare March 10-16 to be Bounce Week.
it is interesting that elon has no opinion on the white house bull posting