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Nostr sucks because it's mostly all chronological follow feeds without
Right now there are a lot of new eyes on Signal, and not all of them are fa
:game: :stop: GameStop will put their $4.75 billion cash holdings into #Bitcoin as a Treasury Re:strategy: Strategy playboo

Michael Saylor t:reward: Share > Like > C:topreward: Top Comment = ⚡️
As for me, I now like the stock.
If you care about your data and want to truly own it, you should run your and install it.
2. Open nostr-relay-tray.
3. Go to "Proxy", and toggle the

The more sexual partners a woman has had the more likely her marriage is to

Imagine coming out of 17 years of schooling with no basic blue collar skill
When you have a kid, you realize all the cliches about having a kid are cli
“You can't look at the competition and say you're going to do it better. Yo