what exactly happens if you have a child in a hospital and attempt to refuse vaccinations? how does it go when you want your child to have checkups from time to time? do they have a conniption if you ask for a small number of vaccines in a way that deviates from the schedule? is it different in red vs blue states?
I can't speak as to the hospital topic, but I do have experience with the latter questions. • Checkups: can be tense but quite often it's a true barometer of whether that person should be a health care provider if they dismiss someone based on personal choices. I have had the experience of being fired-as-a-patient over my choice to not vax both kids. "This will be our last appointment, you need to find another doctor"... and you will. I find the older generation of GPs to be more open to non-vaxxers. • If deviating from the schedule use a schedule from another country with a better public health statiatic. I'm not sure what the difference is like now but 10 years ago the Japaneae Vaccination Schedule was about 1/3 of the US schedule... and they seem like they are doing okay with their longer than average lifespans despite living in condensed hyperreal cities. I used this reason to at least delay the first shot (which is usually for Hep C after 12 hours of life) • Even their recommended sources are full of double-speak. The World Health Organization specifically states the Hep C vaccine is not recommended unless 2% or more of the population carries the virus. The current population percentage estimated to have Hep C in the US today is 0.642153023 (including the 1/3 who are unaware they have it). • You will find a doctor(s) that will tell you that you made the right decision... they just can't say it publicly.