name a better duo than salmon and avocado
Life just kinda of gets progressively more difficult—dealing with death and
... GM Nostr
Enjoy your productive day🦾
Watching my lefty friends not wanting to pay federal taxes because gov now
... I need to clean my fucking desk
The spiciest and herbiest shoppe in Marrakech. Also the most colourful.
Twitter and Nostr Bitcoin discourse are decoupling.
We're really gonna make this whole mission happen. Freedom money 💪
I got
... Twitter: same old covenants discussions being recycled for 3 years, protoco
... How I was recording the Bushido of Bitcoin today… 😆
GM Dark Nostr
There is a new law of anthropology - The Shoebox Syndrome:
... Some years ago, we speculated that a black and white market price may devel
... it is has come to my attention that some users find my caps to be aggressiv
... Gunna start a tattoo removal shop called Ragrets