I did NOT want to exercise today! 😭 Or meditate for that matter. But I decided to go with the "Something is better than nothing" approach: skip meditation and do the exercise. Today was abs/back and cardio day: 30 min treadmill jog @ 3.0mph Crunch w Lateral Flexion 10 rep Swiss Ball Crunch 15 rep Bicycle 15 rep Supermans 12 rep All 2 sets each Had some difficulty w the swiss ball. Air pump came apart & quit working after I re-assembled it bc I didn't notice that the rubber part fell out. As a result of this I found out that my swiss ball was a bit too big for me and ordered a new one. But I did figure out how to fix the pump, re-inflated my existing ball and used it today. Yey. #fitstr #fitness #abs #cardio #exercise #somethingIsBetterThanNothing #swissball #cardio #jog