How dafuq is Tucker Carlson doing a video interview with SBF from Federal p
... Don't forget to torrent more. It's sexy and it's good for the Internet.
When your state forces you to break end-to-end encryption, you can just not
good morning from where art is growing
Saying things like healthcare is a human right sounds nice but how can some
... name a better duo than salmon and avocado
"It's not a company, it's not an organization, it's a protocol. No one 'own
... completely lost track of time while coding for the first time since forever
Tested out a new technique… ₿ engraved into polished orange calcite and the
... Europe seems to be utterly screwed from every angle.
- Killed their energy
... More buildings like this.. Bring back craftsmanship and art.
Did you know?
There’s a massive library in Minecraft populated with uncens