Post by Dikaios1517

You would paste it into Alby, yes. But you should ONLY paste it to Alby and nowhere else. One single place that has your nsec is WAY better than giving every single client you ever try, even once, your nsec. If your nsec is compromised, then whoever has access to it can post as though they are you and you have to start over on Nostr completely. The less places where it could potentially be compromised, the better. I highly recommend avoiding using any Nostr app that has no option to log in other than pasting your nsec. There is no excuse for it at this stage of the game, especially for web apps, where signing extensions like Alby and Nos2x have been the standard for quite some time now.
Thank you. Some of the apps recommended by some of the most popular and prolific users have no such signing extension options.
Which ones specifically? I don't know of any popular Nostr web apps that don't allow for signing in using a browser extension these days. Native mobile apps are another matter. Android has Amber signing app for those, but there is not currently any signer application available on iOS for native app... show more