I'd argue that in a dating context, being a hardcore conspiracy theorist is a necessity for men, and a bonus for women. What is definitely equally necessary for women though, is OPEN-MINDEDNESS.
A good man would be thrilled to take his girl on a journey through all sorts of rabbit holes, as he feels natural leading, and she feels natural becoming enthralled in his crazy world.
One could actually argue it's even better if he's very deep in the rabbit hole, and she hasn't experienced any of it, but is excited to. The ensuing journey would be an excellent bonding experience.
I don't see it working as well vice-versa, though. A woman doesn't want to teach her man how the world works, she wants him to already know that, and elevate HER experience through his expertise.
Can confirm being the teacher as a woman is not it. Quickly becomes the mother/child dynamic. Quickly disintegrates attraction.