I’m glad you liked the piece. I agree with ch 11 on specifics like carnal desires as something natural and sexual fulfillment as a therapeutic agency. Intimacy can be powerful when fulfilled both sexually and emotionally. But the challenge I have with his book (as well as absolute meditation without reality check) is blurring the lines between confidence vs ego, manipulation, obsession etc - which can position one as “I know more”, “I am right”, “I’m telling you what you need (not what I need)” - and all these can make a person overly dominating and encroach on someone else’s space and peace of mind, that hinders their growth. I find the book to be heavy on the “I” instead of “We” When it comes to strengthening emotional anchoring, I find emotional detachment incredibly powerful especially concepts from stoicism and general attachment theories. If you like to explore this further, there’s a really powerful book by Dr Amir Levine called “Attached” identifying if you an anxious, avoidant or secure partner and how to move towards a secured space emotionally. And if you pair that with metta loving kindness, I think it’s a powerful emotional anchoring trait without the ego. It’s the ability to love and respect someone else and being love and respected back to the fullest, by first loving and respecting yourself. I think once the base is solid, pair that with an intelligent, independent, resilient trait and it makes a woman, a force to be reckon with ❤️