Post by SpoonieMcNostr

New game created by cowdle join the fun! #cowdle #game The person who guesses the correct word first will receive ⚡50 sats! ⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ Reply with a 6 letter word and compete now! 🟠 = Correct letter in correct place ⚪ = Correct letter in wrong place ⚫ = Letter not in word wallace Unchrly Bergers Partner Wasabi fhhfh Nikhil MaxAttack meslet Jealous Cattle Homeless Bobolink Want to join the game? Create your own game by posting a new note with '@cowdle #game' Make sure to have your Lightning Address saved in your profile so you can receive your sats 🐮 Must be in format of '' or 'lnurl...'