A lot of
#Bitcoiners went through a
#shitcoin phase before understanding the absolutely mind-shattering
#consciousness-bending mathematical Marvel that is absolute
#scarcity, and it's potentially catastrophic game theoretic imposition into global
Many people are afraid of adversarial thinking, lack knowledge of how markets price, do not understand
#cryptography or it's power and significance to all of our modern infrastructure, cannot fathom anything but
#currency as money, lack the knowledge of the last sixteen years of Bitcoin's journey, don't see
#Bitcoin as money, think Bitcoin can't be currency, and believe that it will fail.
But you know better. That's why you're buying the top forever. You recognize there is one global energy currency that can't be co-opted easily... and that everything else "crypto" isn't worth your time. And that's fantastic.
However, The President of the United States is in a shitcoin phase. He is obviously highly intelligent, else he would not be where he is. I think that people have a duty, especially if they have intimate access with this man, to try to help him understand the precipice upon which we now stand.
#America can claim the Second Great American Revolution for itself and the world, and lead us to a kardashev type 1 civilization. We can change history. We can liberate the masses. We can bring a global mutual sum game to the default "Norm" of civilization's base layer, replacing a long-forsaken system built on theft and extortion, catapulting us into a new age of
#prosperity that is mutually guaranteed due to aligned incentives.
We can also watch in horror as grifters and rent seekers try to muddy the waters. If we establish a United States shitcoin Reserve, and allow unregistered securities operators to rug pull the United States economy, it could be devastating for most people And create a very slippery slope to degenerate things that I'd rather not even consider. I'd like to think that we're better than this. I'd like to think that we can take this opportunity that Satoshi gave us, and make the world a better place.
And I hope you do too.
Thanks to people like
calle 👁️⚡👁️
Marty Bent
jack mallers
Jameson Lopp
Lyn Alden
and countless unnamed, I found my way out of the shitcoin waters years ago.
I hope that together, as a community, everyone who sees the
#radical potential of Bitcoin to change the world away from evil and towards the forces of
#good... don't let that fire burn out. We must carry and wave this torch and light the way such that generations yet to come retain their Liberty. It is a call larger than any one of us.
May you heed it with grace.
Tempora mutantur.