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Someone’s getting a little upset at my tweet replies…..🤣🤣🤣
The most common question? What are Sats?? Great teaching opportunity!
🟠 The fiat price is yesterday's noise. Your paradigm shift begins today!
:reward: :topreward:
The other day on Twitter/X, I paid out a 2,100,000 sat or $1,700 USD Lightnjack mallers who made Lightning convenient enough for Mark, who doesn’t understand or
When I first put out my "Bitcoin accepted here" sign I never expected anyon
We are live and making history!
The first Stratum V2 pool is now live and
I think people fail to discern the power of a sustainable network, vs the s
I can tell Nostr is becoming more popular because there are people I don’t even follow having arguments in my replies.
Outside our little group here no one knows and no one has any chance to kno
🚨 The ECB is launching a CBDC in October 🚨
It’s not just digital euros—iODELL BTC Sessions and Marc Friedrich
Full documentary powered by Bitcoin Well
Want a shot at
In vignette 5 of Rendezvous With Claude and Friends, Orion drops a star
Good afternoon and pura vida, Nostr! It's time create notes and send zaps!
GM! Who wants 10000 sats?
if you bought $10k worth of gold in 2011 it would only be worth $17k today
Fresh tracks and sunny skies!