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GM ☀️Time for my monthly dose of good vibes/sats in the feed 🫂💜🧡☀️ will #CircularZaponomy #Nostr #plebchain #bitcoin #asknostr
There's a strict no fiat policy at the Primal House.
If a vendor accepts b
Man, being back in an urban environment after years of being out in the for
There is a possibility of building something extraordinary that could last
Two important observations:
1. The 5-Year CAGR of #bitcoin is clearly diminishing
I didn’t make these, just posting them for your zaps. ⚡️😆
GN, Mega bullish on Nostr support in Electrum, now we are talking about ado
The trend of forcing me to download an app to receive event tickets I alrea
Good morning and pura vida, Nostr! It's time to create notes and send zaps!
The world you were born into no longer exists.
There is no second best, mkay?

You can just make memes real now

It’s a beautiful day to be alive.

Being surrounded by mission-focused bitcoiners makes these responses reall
gm, cypherpunk cool /w Starkness at BitcoinConfEUR, studio ghibli edition

This whole "Trump leaked war plans on Signal" fiasco is to distract you fro
This vein visualization technology uses near-infrared light, which is absor