Post by Selfish Crane
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Nostr trying to be a better Twitter, is the same as crypto trying to be “be
it will never win at being a better twitter.
it can win by being something new and different.
Might as well go for a walk if you have 2 hours of calls
Things are going crazy
It’s been about five years now since Swan Bitcoin opened their doors and st
How the FUCK did a generation raised on The Simpsons, South Park and Family
gm, this Saturday March 22nd, 16:00 Pacific, 19:00 Eastern I'll join Short Camel & Young Lynx foCorny Chat to#1 plHelpless Impala da
I am the 1%
I agree with this take.
I would add that connections matter. I see many pe
it will never win at being a better twitter.
it can win by being something new and different.
When Karen comes to Nostr, what manager will she complain to?