What we can learn from Frédérique Bastiat (1801-1850): 1. The idea that laws can make plunder (tariffs/taxes/debasement) legitimate if passed by the government is a fallacy. 2. Believing that the law is the source of rights (life, liberty, property), rather than a protector of pre-existing natural rights is a fallacy. 3. The belief that the state can give to its citizens without first taking is a fallacy. 4. Focusing only on the visible effects of policies (protectionism, interventionism, taxation, public spending) while ignoring the hidden consequences is a fallacy 5. The belief that the government can force people to be charitable and moral through laws is a fallacy. 6. The belief that government should control education for the sake of the public good is a fallacy. 7. The idea that war or protectionism stimulates the economy is a fallacy. 8. The belief that government can perfect society through legislation is a fallacy.