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GM ☕️
Up 13% premarket.
Have a nice day
Nostr achieved so much in so little time. Ya'll are too close to the metal.
have fun staying pooor
Good morning, #nostriches!
I've decided on a few very bold (for me) changes in my fi
Not pissed off, just disgusted by certain peoples' consiste#glovesoff #myfriendsareimportant #gm #goodmorning #plebchain #grownostr #partybussiness #lotr #nomoremisternicebeaver
To all newcomers, if there are any, this is where we start!
Just the fact that people are actually using nostr is a big deal.
🚨 International Giveaway 🚨
Create the best Jade Plus ad using AI image g
ChatGPT can’t be all that smart, since it keeps trying to show my left ear.
View from this morning.
Surf season came early 🇨🇷
You can just praise God for things
Fucking stars, man.
I didn’t make these, just posting them for your zaps. ⚡️😆
It's obvious, but just to be sure everybody knows...
Bitcoin doesn’t need Strategy. Strategy needs Bitcoin.
Bitcoin doesn’t nee
when I see yet another generated studio ghibli image
GM ☀️Time for my monthly dose of good vibes/sats in the feed 🫂💜🧡☀️ will #CircularZaponomy #Nostr #plebchain #bitcoin #asknostr
GM Nostr! Happy Wednesday! Halfway there! 🐪
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