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You can just solder stuff

I truly believe that it's God who protects me from evil.
When I look back
This is what it’s like to have followers online

Most humans: the power has been out for 8 hours, I hope my pipes don't free
visa can process 24k to 60k transactions per second
-What’s a movie from the past 25 years that hasn’t gotten enough attention
gm, it was an absolute blast hanging out with our two amazing Nostr blondesShort Camel & Young Lynx , and chatting with all you Nostriches - Shivering Bass , Frightened Condor , Worried Elephant , Homeless Marsupial , Flaky Pig , Breezy Goose , Confused Ostrich .Cooing Bobcat Funny Bass ;
A lot of "free thinkers" seem to be drawn to the honeypot of manufactured c