Never connect to a public charging port without a data blocker
The only Executive Order we really needed was abolition of Daylight Savings
Incredibly happy to announce that me and my wife’s first child (baby boy) w
🇪🇺 CBDC in the EU to be launched in Oct. 2025. Wholesale & retail. 🇮🇱
When I was a kid, an older relative had this big rubber band ball, about th
HOT TAKE: Daylight savings time is just a government psyop to prove that th
GM all my vile and dangerous cult friends! Georgie boy is projecting aga
Mortgage your house Rack up the credit cards
Sell a kidney
Empty your cl
hopefully elon fires the people in charge of daylight savings time
Them in 10 Years: “Wow! You got on nostr early?!? I bet that felt revolutio
The best thing about the bear market was all the building.
⚡️🇺🇸 ARCHIVES - Senator Ron Paul in 1988: “The income tax is unnecessary.
the real recession began in 2008 and it never ended.
it was just covered u
Schadenfreude of the day: ETH is over 50% down from its USD ATH and is curr
It's time to break out this massive pepper grinder.