#### Open tasks - [ ] investigate [support for other devices]( - [testing required]( - [x] Builds for both GL-AR300m and GL-MT3000 with [this change]( - [x] Fixed `GOOS` and `GOARCH` - [x] ready to add [our other go packages]( - [x] build all packages from custom feed - [x] no longer require that the user specifies which package to build as a CLI argument to `build-firmeware` - [x] Automate [upload to blossom]( server - [x] Facing [issues]( with `` - [x] uploads to other public blossom servers fine - [x] created [events]( that map commit hashes and binary checksums to blossom servers that store the binaries - [ ] **[include all binaries]( in image - working on this** - [x] the binaries are included, but the image seems to be too large sometimes - [x] figuring out [what the problem is]( and fixing the user output - [x] test sysupgrade image on `GL-MT3000` - [x] Updated `init.d`, waiting for OS upgrade to complete so that I can resolve [this error]( - [ ] Test `ipks` on GL-AR300m - [ ] Test `ipks` on GL-MT3000 - [ ] test sysupgrade image on `GL-AR300M` - [ ] Perhaps the problem is connected with this section? - [ ] **make captive portal front-end work again & improve new image -- Working on this one** - [ ] test the install step of makefiles and use that to configure programs - [ ] would like to switch to [local golang]( for better reproducibility across build environment, branch: `with_golang_feed` - [ ] would like to start using actions so that we can use Arjen's runner