Jesus was born in Bethlehem because of taxes! This is deep. 😲 Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem because of a Roman Census. A census was for the purpose of counting people for taxation. Now here's where it gets interesting. Israel was living under Roman occupation because their forefathers forsook Him in favor of a human king. When they chose a human king, God warned them that he (the king) would tax them and they would become his slaves (1 Samuel 8:17) Consider this: Was it merely a coincidence that the very God the Israelites rejected in favor of a human king was now being born as a man in Bethlehem—because of a tax census? Through a pagan king’s decree, God fulfilled the prophecy of Bethlehem, becoming flesh to be the King of kings. Even in the midst of worldly authority, God’s divine plan unfolded.🤯 Want to go deeper? 👇