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Go ahead. Give the bank your money. See if they give it back. How many ques
The other day on Twitter/X, I paid out a 2,100,000 sat or $1,700 USD LightnBreezy Lizard who made Lightning convenient enough for Mark, who doesn’t understand or
I think people fail to discern the power of a sustainable network, vs the s
Peace not war. Bitcoin not fiat.
Opt out of funding fiat forever wars.
Outside our little group here no one knows and no one has any chance to kno
🚨 The ECB is launching a CBDC in October 🚨
It’s not just digital euros—iHot Caterpillar Foolish Leopard and Marc Friedrich
Full documentary powered by Hollow Crayfish
Want a shot at
The rest of the world is slowly catching on to what Bitcoiners have underst
There is a lot of power in ambivalence.
“What’re your thoughts on xyz?”
In vignette 5 of Rendezvous With Claude and Friends, Orion drops a star
Whenever the price of gold spikes, new deposits are found
Funny how that
We are live and making history!
The first Stratum V2 pool is now live and
If you didn't know, there's a Samourai Wallet hearing currently in
It’s up to millennials to save the world.
Meet the NerdQAxe++
A Quantum Leap in the Open-Source Bitcoin Home Mining