
Interesting thanks man 🤙 I wasn't familiar with Bakunin, but I realize that taking the means of production by force and then magically distributing it to the people is insanely unrealistic. The main idea I have appreciated from Marx is this concept about the commodification of our desires. The way commercials try to sell us on crap we don't need by displaying a happy family for example. (I believe Marx wrote on advertising specifically, but I haven't read him directly so it could have been a contemporary)
The division between young Marx thought (alienation) and older (materialism) both have important distinctions as well. Imho anarchism recognizes many of the criticisms of capitalism, but addresses them in a way that doesn’t lead to insanity or totalitarianism. This is why anarchism was such a failure of political theory in the 20th century it just didn’t have the tools to actualize itself. However we do now have those tools, just very few recognize their political nature.
Yeah I don’t really dig contemporary anarchist, as the ideology is all messed up imho. I have not read these in a while, but Rudolf Rocker, Peter kropotkin, and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon all influenced my thoughts on this division between anarchism and communism.
Nice, I love that. Most of the anarchist literature I've read has been in the ancap vein, with the exception of Bookchin, Chomsky, and Graeber who are all too far left for my taste. On the flip side, the transactional nature of ancap ideology seems totally soulless to me. For example, Rothbard si... show more
You may find Guy Debord "Society of the Spectacle" an interesting take on modern commodification. The Situationist perspective is a modern Hegelian critique of the soulessness of capitalism and a challenge to the Stalinist state vs daily choices of a council.