I think you are looking at this with an incorrect assumption that a post being motivated by possible financial return makes it less worthy of your time. But you don't treat anything else in your life this way, do you? When you go to a more expensive restaurant, you expect the food to be higher quality. When you purchase a coffee you expect it to be better than the free coffee they have available for you in the office. Likewise, people will generally produce higher quality content when there is a possibility of making a profit from it. They will be motivated to put their best effort into it, and to be more helpful to other users. This, of course, is highly reliant on your content being seen by others who would value it in the first place. Even so, Nostr users collectively understanding that someone may find their content valuable enough to zap it will make them optimize for providing value, which in turn makes Nostr a more pleasant place to be, since jerks don't tend to get paid.
You are correct. The vast majority of things in one's life are just as worthy of your time (if not more worthy) when the people providing these things are motivated by financial return. And yes, this principle applies to the quality of online content as well. However I do not use Nostr to view that sort of content; I use Nostr to talk with people. I want to try to understand every belief and learn every relevant perspective. These matters of perspective are the exception to the rule. Motivations of possible financial return undermine the authenticity of the conversation and make it less worthy of a person's time. The value of things like conversation and friendship are not things that can be objectively measured by the person receiving them. I believe Nostr should be partially unpleasant. I want to interact with the jerks. If I didn't believe in the importance of treating jerks with respect and fairness then I wouldn't have choosen the username "Scoundrel" to use when presenting and defending my beliefs.