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I quit my fiat job, and my last day was yesterday. I begin a new chapter ofAverage Catshark as the CEO. I’m going to make sure we have a bigger presence on here, and Dirty Deer that will air in the future. Love all you pleb Nostriches on here, and ple
For anyone confused about the insane rhetoric of the @EU deciding to confis

GM ☀️
We still know absolutely nothing about Thomas Matthew Crooks a dude
GM #nostr family. ☕️
- God is God.
- Bitcoin is not G
Bitcoin wallets must be better than Venmo, PayPal, CashApp, and Zelle.
lying in bed switching between damus android and damus ios to post. somewha
Our attention is our scarcest resource. Allocate accordingly
GM nostr ☀️
If somebody can’t see your value, that’s okay.
Continue your
Rewatching the original Star Wars Trilogy this weekend with my kids. Starti