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ChatGPT can’t be all that smart, since it keeps trying to show my left ear.

I would have recommended that #GME buy a significant supply of #bitcoin first with a pa#MSTR playbook to a t#bitcoin... You love to
Sending out 5k sats tonight before I actuallly set a weekly wallet limit fi#nostr
Have to repost this 👇🏽 and comment what you’re grateful for to
GM ☀️ Discover your #nostr Hero! ⚔️ There's a hero in all of you. Can't wait to
Very basic right now and I'm not sure if I'll add mor
Good morning, #nostriches!
I've decided on a few very bold (for me) changes in my fi

Not pissed off, just disgusted by certain peoples' consiste#glovesoff #myfriendsareimportant #gm #goodmorning #plebchain #grownostr #partybussiness #lotr #nomoremisternicebeaver
when I see yet another generated studio ghibli image

GN, Mega bullish on Nostr support in Electrum, now we are talking about ado

The boom mic is now permanently installed in the bar.

Tell your $GME loving friends: If they can freeze your trades, they can fre