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Totally disgraceful! We females should be allowed to go topless….don’t you
When it’s Saturday and your workshop kicks off at 6:55 AM, keep the ☕️ flow
GM: Bitcoin is money, already.
first look at damus android pre-alpha.
lying in bed switching between damus android and damus ios to post. somewha
BTCPay 2.0.7 is out … like, FIVE days ago.
Our Zoomer intern swore he was
Now, the release (sorry, still recovering my eyes from watching the inte
In case you're still with us and your brain, eyes and ears are okay,
Every revolution starts with a tax revolt.
The only leverage citizens hold
tennessee and texas have deep roots - our next chapter together starts now
This is what "being broke" really looks like:
- $1k iPhone
- $1k shoes
- $#Bitcoin
Looking rich keeps you broke.
guys I’m addicted to skirt steak.
Nostr merch is always with me when we meetup 🫶💜 exited to meet a group of
Per YouTube analytics:
One month in to my low budget, non-advertiser,
I’m raising my children to meet the world they’re going to encounter in thi