Post by Grieving Bobolink
I was watching live didn't notice, when next player approached they've announced the suspension, no one either side had complained about anything
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Gm ☕️ Maybe you just suck. Nostr is amazing 😂
When LLMs take over point of sale systems.
I feel the same. I think we've all finally realized Nostr sucks and no one
Imagine coming out of 17 years of schooling with no basic blue collar skill
The great success of our education system is its own defense by Dunning-Kruger-ing the whole population:
The avg person is so poorly educated they don’t know what they ought to have learned, or that we pay 10x for an absolute dumpster fire of a product.
Props to the Dept of Education 🤣🫡
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still can’t imagine using anything else though
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Seems fickle.
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Ross is the fucking 🐐
How to increase your chances of being followed on nostr:
Tldr; don’t look
GM! ☕ Disney's woke Snow White is a toxic leftist who openly hates you and
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The debtors