
Of course Bitcoin is a bubble, it can't be a digital version of Gold, and even not a digital version of cash, there is no utility in it, but let's pump the ponzi again ^^ "Bitcoiners" think they understand what is Bitcoin, but they don't really, if it was true, they will have Gold or Monero instead. The true "Bitcoiners" where in Bitcoin first, but they are in Monero, zcash or Bitcoin Cash now. They know the price is not important, only the tech, only the utility of it. Bitcoin is just a program, it should be only useful, not a casino. Considering Bitcoin as a store of value which can compete against Gold is a big mess, I'm sure you know why, can you rely on Internet when there is a catastrophic event like war or hurricane ? But because NGU you are blinded. The purpose of Bitcoin was to break the banking system abuse, not be an extension of it. Satoshi didn't failed, people did. Canada truckers know exactly what I'm saying, Bitcoin will not be able to protect you against Government repression, I don't know if Monero will succeed on that, maybe not, but it's probably the better hope over the internet today, the cypherpunks anonymous transaction system is here. If it will not be Monero, it will be something else, but Bitcoin can't be, it has never been and will never be able. When a society prefer fiat gain over freedom and privacy, these society is now corrupted and will break soon or later. So I leave you in your golden cage, have fun staying enslaved, Monero bros are fighting for the freedom of all, even if you don't care about that. So many courageous people raised against bad Governments, Snowden was at the NSA, he was brilliant and earned a lot of money, if he wanted, his life will be smooth and he was able to retire very confortably, but he didn't shut up, he rise against the establishment for the public interest, his life became very difficult next, but he knew the consequences and accepted them. His revelations are priceless Assange disclosed so many corruption and of course he understood the risks. We can't do a choice if there is only one way, we are in a monolithic system where compliance is mandatory and disagree bring sanctions, is this freedom ? It's not about Bitcoin or Monero, it's far more deep and important than that, it's about humanity, about freedom and privacy respect. No I don't want my transactions to be disclosed to anyone, to the government or police, respect my choice, if you don't I will not comply and I will fight back. Maybe you should ask, if I want and if I want only I will disclose it to you. Maybe you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide, I don't have special things to hide too, but let the choice to the people. Why enforcing liberticide laws ? Why not letting choice ? Who do you think you are ? God ? My parents ? Fuck you You will never be loved if you try to enforce it Go fuck their CBDC Go Freedom Go Privacy Go Monero