GM ☕️
Whats the over/under on the bank of England folding because there’s
... my backyard will look like this one day.
Beeswax is a magical substance. It cannot be recreated in a lab. Honeybees
... Privacy-protecting alternatives:
iPhone -> Google Pixel
iOS -> GrapheneOS nostr:note1d6wfyqstfjym7jt7dk2gq4n8tdal4ncp8ftdt3rz6u3he82g2tfskasjas
... Simple formulas for a good life (simple, but not easy).
Getting rich
• Sp...
In collaboration with nostr:nprofile1qqstuyc7uxqtde2g
#40HPW podcast movement sweeping the socials. It’s time to initiate phase two… th
#40GMW Nostr movement.
On Nostr, GM is cherished and the GM Protocol is our sec
... Daughter: So we won a war against England and then we became American and b...
At my first coding job, my project manager would stay late hours after wor...
nostr doesn’t need everyone. only the best. quality over quantity. it’ll ha...