Welcome all new users! I see everyone's caught onto #introductions pretty quick, so here's a brief run down of nostr:
It’s social 💬 meets payments.
If your favorite social app had a child 🐣 with CashApp and the baby ate a magic shroom 🍄 to gain new superpowers... that’s Nostr in a nutshell.
What sort of superpowers?
Glad you asked! How about...
Zaps and the power of lightning! ⚡
Got a like? Nice. Got zapped for a comment? Cha-ching!
Send money for content you enjoy with a single click 🤯🥰
Love a meme? Zzzzappp! ⚡
Learned something new? You guessed it, zap! 🤯
It's love in both directions 💜Share something of value? Boom! You get zapped back. 🥹
You’re gonna luv it 🥰
Or stick to likes 💜 - that's cool. Payments are totally optional.
It’s not a single website or an app...
Say what now?
Yeah, it’s all of it. Every app made on Nostr just makes the protocol grow bigger and stronger. Like a raging hulk.
The apps can all talk to each other and can access the same content. Kinda like a bunch of strangers dipping their hands into the shared peanut 🥜 bowl.
Ok, maybe not THAT gross 😆
Nostr is like the new internet that connects any app on any platform as long as it’s compatible with some very simple requirements.
It’s powerful 🚀
When a new app plugs into the protocol, it automatically gains access to
Forget building an audience. It’s already there! 🔥
It’s an entrepreneur’s wet dream. Wait, am I allowed to say this? 😅
It’s not limited to Twitter clones.
Twitter is just one use case out of many.
Nostr is a giant mythical octopus with huge tentacles, each capable of crushing multi-billion-dollar industries.
🎤 Music, 💋 adult, 💻 creator economy are industries that are only the tip of the iceberg.
Just the tip.
There’s just one catch...
Nostr needs you!
Yes you, handsome developer ⌨️, designer 🖱️, memer, couch potato 🥔, YouTuber, influencer, instagrammer (is that a word?), progressive, conservative, libertarian, mom, dad, son, daughter, hero, villain ... ugh you get the point 🫂
Someone has to build the new empire.
... and enjoy the journey 😍
Will it be you?
Almost forgot to mention the boring stuff... censorship resistance, not controlled by any one company (open source), no emails to sign up, no overlords, no de-platforming, no shoving ads down your throat...
Some call it a paradigm shift, we just call it another day on Nostr 🤷
Oh, and we’ve got NIPs 😲
Nostr Implementation Possibilities
Git yer mind outta the gutter, fren! 🐸
That’s right, there’s more than one way to Nostr. In fact, the possibilities are only growing.
NIP at night, NIP during the day, we don’t care! NIPs are awesome any time of day 🥰
So, grab a client (app) and join the party! 🎉
There’s Damus for iOS, Amethyst for Android, Iris and Snort for web, and others too!
Keep in mind: we’re exploring a new frontier. Things can feel a little rough around the edges.
Welcome to Nostr! We're really happy to have you here! 🫂