
Even if... even if covid were real... even if covid caused deaths a few years ago... there is no. repeat NO. there is NO natural menace to life that has increased or even maintained its potency over time. NONE. Viruses are symbiotes/parasites. Without a living host, they cannot procreate. A virus that kills its host would be acting against nature, in that by evolving to be MORE lethal, it would then be ensuring its own destruction. The only way a virus would continue to be dangerous after mutations would be if it were artificially being forced to do so. As far as I know, only humans have that capability. even the vidiots that watch TV are starting to glom onto this most basic of concepts. As I have said before, my immediate circle of acquaintances are as blue as ActBlue and as TV addled as anyone, and even they pooh poohed the notion of Covid's return. The consensus was that, like the flu, it will be here forever and every year there will be an outbreak, but nothing to fear. Still waiting for the electionpox though.