>”fossil fuels are a one time use power source that will run out.” I don’t believe this is true. Known resources have hundreds/thousands of years of reserves, more comes online as it’s more economical so the idea that this is a problem that people alive today need to consider doesn’t make sense. If the US didn’t introduce the petrodollar in the 70s we’d likely have abundant nuclear energy around the world with 55 years of build out and development behind it today leading to next generation technologies - history shows humanity develop better energy technology by using the previous wave and iterating with that energy and that was curbstomped by the US. They alone are responsible for curtailing global energy expansion to protect their fiat shitcoin. People should be disgusted with what the Americans have imposed on the rest of us so they could live at our expense by exporting inflation to the world. And I’m skeptical of the one time use claim. The science of oil and gas production coming from ancient carbon deposits is dubious at minimum. Whether the abiotic oil theory is correct is beyond me but I know that all the calls of peak oil and X years until Y resource is depleted have all proved to be bullshit. If you want humanity to progress it needs energy. We should be using the most abundant sources to the max and constantly iterating to get more energy online. I’m bullish that Bitcoin will force this on humanity and destroy all these doomer Malthusian narratives that we need to be conserving resources - no, we need MOAR POWAH!
Lets make this clear, the majority require the densest energy sources so civ doesn't collapse & kill their useless asses. That doesn't mean the scumbags having enough energy to run all their spy toys is in the best interests of the rest of us who don't require it to survive...