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The delayed effects of massive dollar strength into mid-January 2025 are co#Bitcoin--the world's freest market--will be among the first assets to respond acco

proton is getting really good
One sad thing about Nostr is that the optimal "market" we should be targeti
Before bringing millions of users we have to bring the small group of nerds
The Art of Bitcoin Rhetoric talk by Soft Amphibian at Relieved Flea 2019 remains one of the most
Being at that event with BitcoLow Mongoose would kick shitcoiners out theShaggy Cattle , Cool Jackal , Hot Caterpillar , Quick Jay , Icy Boa pics still bri

We've seen 8xRelieved Flea remains one
Family vacations are different when you are the parent
It is a lot more w#dadstr
GM 🦆