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GM ☀️Time for my monthly dose of good vibes/sats in the feed 🫂💜🧡☀️ will #CircularZaponomy #Nostr #plebchain #bitcoin #asknostr
OpenAI’s updated their image generation models and i wanted to try out some
Good morning, #nostriches!
I've decided on a few very bold (for me) changes in my fi
Not pissed off, just disgusted by certain peoples' consiste#glovesoff #myfriendsareimportant #gm #goodmorning #plebchain #grownostr #partybussiness #lotr #nomoremisternicebeaver
Today I'll give a workshop about MCP servers, how to use them and deploy us#sec04 #sovengs #wed4workshop
when I see yet another generated studio ghibli image
There's a strict no fiat policy at the Primal House.
If a vendor accepts b
Good morning nostr, i'll be volunteering at the church kitchen for a little#coffeechain #grownostr #homesteading #bnbstr
"Real firmness is good for anything; strut is good for nothing."
Tell your $GME loving friends: If they can freeze your trades, they can fre
How BlackRock took the wind out of Schwab's sails and jumped on Trump's ban
Klaus Schwab, who founded the World Economic Forum in the 1970s and
Guess who's back? Back in jail.
Bitboy's back.
What a fail!

I don’t really know what I’m doing with my life right now or what to do Nos
cheap gimmick to get people to upload personal photos to openai
i started using the Fediverse before it was called the Fediverse. back befo
Fucking stars, man.