EXLESS found it’s first home on Nostr 💜 You heard it first on Chilly Crawdad and Friendly Dinosaur where I’ve been performing it live from #firstavenue Voiceless Pig Wet Dolphin Brave Haddock #nostrville Elated Amphibian and of course with Great Ermine at #boostagramballlive ⚡️ Find it now on Huge Orangutan or your favorite modern podcasting app like #truefans #podcastguru Flat Ape @podverse #thankyounostr for giving EXLESS so much love and for believing in my music and I 🎀 Your support is proof that the future of music is powered by real connections and real value 🫶🏻 🩷✨ #newmusic #nostrmusic #grownostr #ainsleycostello #pink #fashion #outfitaesthetic #poprock #popmusic #rockmusic #nostrlove #nostrlive #musicrevolution #value4value #v4v
Im always impressed by your ability to create originals. bravo.