nostr doesn’t need everyone. only the best. quality over quantity. it’ll ha...
Good morning and pura vida, Nostr! It's time to create notes and send zaps!...
Simple formulas for a good life (simple, but not easy).
Getting rich
• Sp...
other pools require accounts, and fundamenatlly they pay people, not addres...
GM nostr. Fight for your own privacy, because big tech won’t always be ther...
"Yes" vote incoming. What is this, hard-fork 18 for ETH?
Beeswax is a magical substance. It cannot be recreated in a lab. Honeybees
... At my first coding job, my project manager would stay late hours after wor...
Not a single mention of seed oils.
GM nostr ☀️
Here are some good reminders to live life more heart-centered ...